


Appears as a warm summer’s day, 

The sun sprinkled across the earth,

A rainbow glinting in reflections of wet puddles after a stormy day.

Absolute bliss, 

Sounds like pure laughter, carefree giggles,

So uncontrollable, so hysterical, 

They grow a smile on your face. 


A comforting feeling in your heart,

The color of a warm, pink sunset,

Smiling at you, as it dips below the shimmering horizon, saying goodnight.


A plan for the future, perhaps meaning no plan at all, 

Yet prepared for a world of possibilities,

Accepting each option as a wave of paradise, filled with fun.


Its friends are the elements that surround you, 

A cool breeze, the warm sun, the dark shade, the vibrant sky,

Throughout your day you hear them, if you listen and watch closely,

They hum and sing, dance and frolic, and run and laugh in the wind around you. 


Dislikes overwhelming, overbearing beasts,

Stress, contemplation, anxiety, 

Because they aren’t good for the heart. 


Feels like a gleaming, uncontrollable smile, when your so overjoyed that your grin won’t relax,

Your jaw becomes sore, but your glee keeps your eyes glowing and smile beaming,

Ecstatic cackling sounding like a hyenas howl. 


North, peacefulness,

A release of a heavy, overbearing breath,

Absence of troubles,

The sun rays beaming pure bliss.

East, calming,

A climb up the mountains, blankets of snow,

A cool breath, a sweet breeze,

Whispers in your ear, dancing through the wind.

South, sleep,

Deep down,

Dreams take your mind away…

To a wonderland.

West, land of love,

Leaves warmth in your heart,

Beating delicately, joyfully,

Pumping the song of your soul through your veins, majestically,
